Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last nights dream and a co-workers thoughts

So, basically in my dream..a hot guy is very sweetly hitting on me and it takes me awhile to realize this is what is happening.  I start trying to figure out how to let him know that I'm married and that I'm pretty sure he's not just trying to be my new BFF.

My co-worker (a guy) tells me that is the lamest dream ever!  And why does he think this is lame?  He says given the opportunity to be hit on in one's dream by someone very attractive should NOT end in a confession that one is married! 

Am I lame? 

On a mission

So lately, I've been on a mission of sorts.  I am looking around the house for items to sell to increase income and ways to reduce expenses at the same time. 

Over the weekend and yesterday, I was on quite a roll.  I did have to spend some money to buy some baby food but had coupons to use and saved $1.75!  Although that doesn't sound like much, every little bit means a lot to me.

In the last few days I've sold over $100 worth of items that were no longer being used by us.  I have a potential buyer for one of our three (yes 3!) vacuums.  I love the thought of adding to our wealth instead of always taking away from it.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Just Do It Already

Is it really that hard to make good choices?  If not, should it be?  Some things are meant to be worked for, to be more difficult to attain.  We are an impatient society, not wanting to put in the hard work to build a solid financial and healthy life. 

I could tell you I'm too exhausted from working all day and caring for my family in the evening to exercise or to plan healthy meals.  It is true, I am tired but the reality is I am making the choice not to exercise when I could make the time to do it.

I get tired of the sob stories from friends and family about why they can't manage their finances or why they aren't healthy.  I just want to yell "Just do it already!"

Friday, July 23, 2010

Step 1 - $1000 in Emergency Fund

You might think that paying off debt should be the first step, but that part comes later.  The reasoning behind this step is that most "emergencies" that pop up can be taken care of with $1,000 or less.  This eliminates the need to use credit for those unexpected expenses that pop up...such as car or home repairs.  Always replenish your emergency fund after dipping into it, no matter what step you are on.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pre-Baby Steps

So...there is a little housekeeping to do before diving into Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps to Financial Success. 

  • STOP using credit cards and draw the starting line.  
  • Get all your bills current.
  • It's time to put a budget in place and track where the money is going.  
I have over the years made budgets but have never really stuck with it or tracked our progress.  I've always just used common sense and have done fine.  The scary thing about using a budget is you start to see exactly where your money is going and it can be a bit of a shock.  It's a whole lot easier to continue on the current path when you don't know exactly how much you are spending on fast food or that Starbucks coffee over time.

There are many options for putting a budget together.  I am using Mint.com to set up a budget, set goals and to track my progress. 

Baby Steps

Baby Steps - that is how Dave Ramsey leads people to what he calls a Total Money Makeover. I'd like to believe I'm pretty good at managing finances (I am, after all, an Accountant by trade!) but realized I am lacking some focus and discipline.

Yes, I'm happy with what I have accomplished for my family but I want to build a better future for us. This blog is dedicated to that journey...I'll be posting these baby steps, our progress and great money-saving and wealth-building tips I find along the way.